Dr. Seuss' Cat In The Hat, Reimagined as a Horror Story, Chilling Tales for Dark Nights
I recently worked in studio with Ozone Music & Sound voicing characters for an animated sizzle reel, recently picked up by Netflix, as well as two video games produced by Blowfish Studios.
I was last up narrating multiple audio dramas for the horror podcast Chilling Tales for Dark Nights including two characters in That Abominable Sound, two characters in Why My Father Went Into the Woods, and three characters in Dr. Seuss' The Cat in The Hat Reimagined as a Horror Story. Additionally, I worked in studio with the podcast The Mayan Crystal at New Jersey's Trading 8’s Recording Studio for Gen-Z Media as 'Jaguar,' and on stage as the 'Narrator' and 'Howard' at New York's Kraine Theatre for RadioTheatre's 8th Annual H.P. Lovecraft Festival in The Horror in the Museum and The Rats in the Walls, respectively. Additionally, I won the 2017 Evil Idol Voice Acting competition, coming in 3rd place for Round 1, 3rd place for Round 2, and 1st place for Round 3 and Round 4.
Please visit the sites below for samples of my work, and stay dialed in for updates and upcoming performances!